The Firm
As all profiles go, this is yet another one. It is not intended to laud the firm and its founders but merely to inform clients of what the firm can offer by way of professional legal services, expertise and legal support. It is hoped that the information contained herein will assist the reader when deciding to choose a firm which will provide legal and professional services and it is hoped that the decision will be the partnership of ROSLEY ZECHARIAH.
Rosley Zechariah was established on 1st August 2004, by two very senior lawyers, Rosley Ahmad and Renu Zechariah. The firm’s broad term objective is to offer legal and professional services of the utmost quality, solution based and with speed. All of this will be offered with total integrity both to the client and to all other parties be it in the courtroom or at the negotiating table. The reputation of the firm hinges on this and will continue to thrive on this tenet.